TOJQIH - Volume 5 - Issue 3 - July 2018
Seval Åžener
This paper is going to deal with thesis writing process and styles, in regards to student tendencies in graduate level
art education.
There are two levels in graduate level art education in academic manner in Turkey. One of them is Master of Arts
or Master of Fine Arts level after undergraduate education and Proficiency in Art education after M.A or M.F.A
process. In this paper I will focus on M.A or M.F.A level thesis writing process through my experience as an
academic and former art student.
The main reasons behind questioning thesis writing process and thesis styles is the different attitudes across
departments of the same faculty and divergences between art faculties. The other reason is the tendencies of
students as a very important determining factor in thesis writing. The outcomes will be gathered through my
experiences and examination of written theses in various Fine Arts Faculties. The paper will also include thesis
advisor’s observations, problems that they face with and solutions they invent.
Bergen Karabulut, Åžeyma Cihan
The laboratory courses, which have an important role in engineering education, allow students to transfer
theoretical knowledge to practice and realize the differences that may arise between theory and practice. Analyzing
the performance of the learners in these lectures and determining the factors affecting student performance is
important in terms of increasing the success. In order to improve the quality of education, these factors need to be
interpreted well and educational environments must be structured accordingly. Recently, data mining based on
educational environments has been widely used in determining factors affecting student performance. Data mining
facilitates operations on data to be collected from educational environments. In this respect, the use of outputs
from educational data mining in preparation process for programs to improve the quality of engineering education
such as the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (ENAEE) will provide
beneficial results. In this study, educational data mining application was carried out to be used in the process of
increasing qualifications in engineering education within the scope of ENAEE preparation. Data mining algorithms
were applied on the laboratory data set created by the Karabulut et al. (2017). The results obtained are interpreted
in terms of MÜDEK preparation process.
Pınar Ozdemir, Taner Albayrak
Education and training are vital to the development and success of today's knowledge society and economy. The
EU's strategy emphasizes countries working together and learning from each other and supports programs to
realize this. To this end, Erasmus Programme, which is part of the European Commission's Education Programme,
funds a wide range of actions to improve the quality of education and training systems. PRU (Piri Reis University)
has been developing innovative MET (Maritime Education and Training) solutions since its foundation in 2008
under the EU Educational Programmes to create a culture of quality and value people. This paper intends to
introduce a new EU Project planned to equip the women with complementary qualifications to cope with the
hardships they face in maritime, which is a male-dominated multi cultural environment. The main objective of the
project is to determine what can be done and how these can be integrated into leadership and management
programmes at the universities.
Silvia Martà MarÃ, RocÃo Garriga Inarejos
Species of Spaces aims to provide students of the subject Project Methodology. Space of the Fine Arts Degree
with the tools they need to have a real experience that will help them to enter the profession and exercise the
dynamics of teamwork: to engage in dialogue, take responsibility, fulfill tasks...The procedure consists of the
preparation and realization of group exhibitions grouped according to themes in the Fine Art Exhibition Hall.
By showing their works to the public (in exhibitions they design, organize, assemble and advertise) the
acquired commitment increases, and a realistic view of the profession is facilitated. We verify how
motivation and demand increase. Through this experience they put into practice a series of resources that
would not be possible to exercise otherwise.
Online learning (OL) has become an important part of university education. In the past OL was applied in
different universities with different forms. With rapid technological developments OL gains a new format
through Internet. Students can take courses online wherever they are geographically. It provides working
people and adults possibility to enroll in a higher education institution without time and space barriers.
Beginning from 1980s, Turkey adapted its education system to this new form through open education faculties
in state universities. However as the number of foundation universities increase, OL became more common
application in many programs at different levels. In this study, the effect of genders of students who enrolled in
an online program on service quality perception in Turkey will be determined and analyzed through statistical
Jade Kouletakis
Law schools have - unlike for example the arts or humanities - been resistant to change when it comes to
progressive student pedagogies, preferring to hold on to traditional models of teaching and learning. This paper
looks at what is considered to be good practice in the current higher education landscape broadly, and then
develops what it considers to be good practice for law schools specifically. This law-specific definition of good
practice encompasses both active as well as reflective learning that can be facilitated by means of a blended
classroom. Whilst traditional pedagogies remain prevalent in law schools generally, this paper questions whether
a teaching-intensive modern UK higher education institution like Abertay University is able to break the mould.
To this end the paper explores to what extent this definition of good practice is reflected within Abertay
University’s law school using as a case study the Public Law module of 2017/2018. It concludes by finding that,
contrary to popular belief, there is much that ancient institutions can learn from modern establishments when it
comes to the student experience.
Globalization, especially over the last three decades, has wrought many changes in a proper role of
governments to not only the perception of some politic issues, such as effective policy making, but also some
economic issues, such as maximizing the social welfare. Governments have a wide range of instruments in
order to make their societies more welfare by increasing desired politically, socially and economically desired
outcomes. In the light of relevant economics theory, the objective of this paper is to analyse the main three
theoretical dimensions of government interventions: Public goods and social benefits, subsidization and
externalities and market imperfection.
Pınar Ozdemir
In this paper, the actors inside and outside of the universities playing a role in entrepreneurship education have
been studied. All of these actors, who also constitute the internal and external ecosystems of universities, not only
create, shape, and develop entrepreneurship education at universities but also help the environment of the
university develop entrepreneurially. To achieve this, universities, which are already the center of entrepreneurial
ecosystems, can both make use of the entrepreneurial capacity of their internal stakeholders to the full extent and
exploit the opportunities and advantages in their vicinity through their links with external stakeholders. In this
study, internal and external activities and actors of entrepreneurship education at universities are discussed, and a
case study focusing on universities in Turkey is given. At the end of the study, possible improvements for the
interactions are evaluated and suggestions for further studies are given.
Global competition for accepting international students for higher education has peaked recently. The developed
and developing countries are competing to get the most of the share and Turkey is no exception in this regard.
Millions of students have their higher education in foreign countries out of their countries’ and home cultures’
borders as a result of unstoppable globalization. It can be understood that the reasons behind this phenomenon
varies from profit-making to language and culture spreading for the welcoming countries. Students, also, take into
economic considerations since it has more opportunities such as cultural experience, job finding advantages, and
it has scholarship possibilities which make studying abroad a very convenient and most of the time free
experience. In this study, an overview of the reasons why countries welcome international students and why
students choose to study abroad are reviewed. Turkey’s higher education internationalization policy is
investigated, and possible solutions are advised through a careful literature review.
Naciye Güliz UĞUR, Burçak BAŞAK
Based on uses and gratifications theory and motivation theory, this study examined how college students’ intrinsic
and extrinsic motivations of social media use are associated with their social media addiction levels. An online
survey was conducted with 220 undergraduate students enrolled in a large, public university in Turkey. The results
showed that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors are correlated with college students’ social media
addiction levels. Specifically, better connecting with others and facilitating interactions with family and friends
were the extrinsic motivation factors significantly associated with social media addiction levels. Significant
intrinsic motivation factors included killing idle time, finding entertainment, getting away from pressures or
responsibilities, and relaxing. The results further indicated that the intrinsic motivation factors are more strongly
correlated with college students’ social media addiction than the extrinsic motivation factors. The present study
contributes to enhancing our understandings of social media use and addiction among college students. Theoretical
and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
Halil Arslan, Ahmet Gürkan Yüksek, Mustafa Lemi Elyakan, Özkan Canay
During the recent years, due to the development of information and communication technologies, users are faced
with software products with different structures, functions and designs in terms of many services provided by the
internet environment. Accordingly, user expectations are constantly changing and developing applications with
only technically perfection are not sufficient for product success. In addition, differentiated product designs have
led to the emergence of the concept of usability in accordance with the user’s experience and need to determine
how functional designs are. All these developments add value to the software products at the point of usability
and user satisfaction. In this study, basically menu hierarchy and navigation maps datas were obtained by using
analytical tools such as Optimal Workshop, Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer in the enterprise
application. By analysing the obtained data, the hierarchical structure, completion grade and duration of the tasks
have been evaluated. In consequence of the analysis studies with the tasks assigned to the users, the users have
been determined through the success/failure rates and completion times of each tasks. As a result, the product
design has been designed to be focused on the user by assessing usability problems.
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