TOJQIH - Volume 6 - Issue 3 - July 2019
Ali Baykal
Although the higher education is not compulsory even in the highly developed countries almost every citizen has a chance to get access to universities or colleges. In developing countries however tertiary education is a privilege for the citizens at the upper level social strata. It is an investment to be made for social mobility upward. Is there a significant correlation between the quality of higher education and the quality of secondary education of the countries all over the world. The simplest and most repetitive measures of the quality in higher education and secondary education are world university rankings and country rankings in PISA respectively. In this paper the world university rankings of Times Higher Education (THE) and QS University rankings for the year 2018 are brought together. The final rank of any country is assumed to be the rank of the university at the highest rank from that country. The reason why for this choice is the fact that there are some small countries represented by a small number of universities in the list but on the other hand there are some countries represented with relatively large number of universities at relatively lower ranks. The final country rankings for higher education are matched with their rankings in PISA 2015. The rank order correlation has been found to be highly significant but far from being perfect unity.
Tariq Mahmood Khan, Afira Aslam
The main purpose of this study is to find out the effect of core practices of transformational school leadership on self-efficacy and collective efficacy of teachers, who are qualified professionally in higher education. Survey research and causal comparative research used as method of study. A questionnaire has been developed to collect data for four transformational school leadership core practices: setting direction, developing people, redesigning the organization and improving the instructional programme. Teachers self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy also have been collected from teachers with higher education in professional and academic qualification. The multiple regression analysis depicted that teachers’ self efficacy and their collective efficacy significantly and highly affected by principals’ transformational leadership practices at public and private institutes. The outcomes of the study will be supportive for teachers’ self efficacy and collective efficacy, encouraging teamwork, supporting system of the schools aligned with transformational leadership of principals.
Nuran Cömert, Ilker Akgun, Damla Karaköy, Pınar Kaya
Quality in education has become a remarkable issue with globalization by the spread of education and training activities beyond borders, increasing competitive environment, and rapidly developing technology through commercialization in education. All these developments increase expectations from education and oblige education to have standards and quality. At this point, it has become a necessity for higher education institutions to provide quality in education to survive. For this purpose, both public and foundation/private universities started to carry out various quality studies. There are two main objectives of this study: The first aim is to identify the current quality management approaches used in higher education and compare them with each other, and the second aim is to explain the quality studies carried out in Marmara University Faculty of Business Administration with a critical approach.
Fatima Raheem, Khanssa Hassan
This study aims at finding out the use of context in Teaching grammar and Its influence on EFL Secondary school students 'achievement in Grammar Rules.To achieve the aims of the study, null hypotheses have been put on after being subjected to experiment. Fifth stage of secondary school (female) students' in the city center of Masin , during the second term of the academic year 2017-2018. The sample of the study consists of (64) subjects, (32) students represent the experimental group, and (32) students represent the control group. While the control group has been taught by using " English for Iraq ‘5th preparatory SB, the experimental group has been taught by using grammar in context book .The researchers taught both the experimental group as well as the control group. The result of study shows that there is no a significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the development of the experimental group taught by "Grammar in context book” of the pretest and the posttest.
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